
Thursday, August 18, 2005

Turn to a new leaf

First issue, special edition, autograph...and more, more than a thousand copies of comics and accessaries, new and second hand, I have amassed throughout the early years of my lifetime. The copies in hand are disappearing, yet the memory never blots. The time...
When I saved up to buy old copies (strolled back and forth between Tsuen Wan and Sham Shui Po)...
When I joined the comic club to save up 10% (where the shop was located in the 2/F of Tsuen Fung Centre. The comics, however, were unauthorized local edition, possibly translated and imported from Taiwan)...
When I rushed to buy the latest copies (I still remember the embarrassing moment when I slipped down badly to buy Black Leopard / Tin Hai in Shek Wai Kok )...
When I woke up early to queue for special edition and autograph (the very early bird of Book Fair, more than 10 years ago possibly 93, in HKCEC, at the time when the Fair was not the focus of the mass media. The most wonderful time was that I took a VIP ticket, from the comic shop nearest my home, to get in early in the exhibtion hall and browsing the so-called early bird...haha)...
When...I was young and affordable to do whatsoever I wanted (I afforded the time, energy, gusto, any sort of engagment a usual youngster could.)...

A new leaf is turning without any second thought that I could ever hesitate as I did and fleed to resolve in the past. It's the time, no sooner, no later. It's just the time. If I could ever start again, it's still my path I have ever made.

More than wonderful and cheerful I could say, no regret about my early life. I had accomplished whatsoever I wanted at that very daring moment.

Monday, August 15, 2005

On screen

Reading list at the moment

1. The Historian (daily)
2. Robinson Crusoe (occasionally)
3. Crime and Punishment (very occasionally)
4. 紅樓夢 (on the shelve)
5. 張愛玲 (ready on the table)
6. 白先勇 (on the table too)
7. 徐志摩 (same as the above)
8. 唐詩宋詞 (tired of repeating the above remarks)
...(should be much more, stop by occasional reading)